The Microlensing Odyssey
Etienne Bachelet (LCO)
Astronomical Ballooning from Antarctica
Kristina Davis (UCSB)
How to Wake Up a Monster (Supermassive Black Holes, Galaxy Crashes, and all the rest..)
Emanuele Paolo Farina (UCSB)
New Horizons: From Pluto to Ultima Thule, Infinity and Beyond
Tim Lister (LCO)
Building Super Star Clusters on Supercomputers
Benny Tsang (UCSB)
My Attraction to Magnets
Dan Read (Cardiff University)
Explosions in Space.
Maria Drout (Carnegie Observatories)
Spectroscopy: Telling you how the Universe really works.
Tobias Schmidt (UCSB)
Mission Gravity: What Newton never knew.
Roger Freedman (UCSB)
Dark Forces that Shape the Universe
Julio Navarro (University of Victoria)
The Universe in Infrared Light
Rebecca Larson (UT Austin)
Astronomy, What is it good for?
Iair ("ya-eer") Arcavi (LCO/UCSB)
Astronomy - It's not just for Tesla drivers
Chuck McPartlin (SBAU)
The Sky is Alive with the Sound of Music
Greg Salvesen (UCSB)
How to Take a Picture of an Extra-solar World.
Isabel Lipartito (UCSB)
From Sputnik to Tesla: The Things We Launch into Space
Monica Turner (LCO)
A Saturnian Farewell: Thirteen Years of Cassini
Joey Chatelain (LCO)
How Fast Can You Grow a Supermassive Black Hole?
Fred Davies (UCSB)