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Published Jun 2023
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 2023 674
ArXiv: 2206.06710

Delchambre, L.
et al. Delchambre, L., Bailer-Jones, C. A. L., Bellas-Velidis, I., Drimmel, R., Garabato, D., Carballo, R., Hatzidimitriou, D., Marshall, D. J., Andrae, R., Dafonte, C., Livanou, E., Fouesneau, M., Licata, E. L., Lindstrøm, H. E. P., Manteiga, M., Robin, C., Silvelo, A., Abreu Aramburu, A., Álvarez, M. A., Bakker, J., Bijaoui, A., Brouillet, N., Brugaletta, E., Burlacu, A., Casamiquela, L., Chaoul, L., Chiavassa, A., Contursi, G., Cooper, W. J., Creevey, O. L., Dapergolas, A., de Laverny, P., Demouchy, C., Dharmawardena, T. E., Edvardsson, B., Frémat, Y., García-Lario, P., García-Torres, M., Gavel, A., Gomez, A., González-Santamaría, I., Heiter, U., Jean-Antoine Piccolo, A., Kontizas, M., Kordopatis, G., Korn, A. J., Lanzafame, A. C., Lebreton, Y., Lobel, A., Lorca, A., Magdaleno Romeo, A., Marocco, F., Mary, N., Nicolas, C., Ordenovic, C., Pailler, F., Palicio, P. A., Pallas-Quintela, L., Panem, C., Pichon, B., Poggio, E., Recio-Blanco, A., Riclet, F., Rybizki, J., Santoveña, R., Sarro, L. M., Schultheis, M. S., Segol, M., Slezak, I., Smart, R. L., Sordo, R., Soubiran, C., Süveges, M., Thévenin, F., Torralba Elipe, G., Ulla, A., Utrilla, E., Vallenari, A., van Dillen, E., Zhao, H., Zorec, J.,

Published Jun 2023
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 2023 674
ArXiv: 2206.06416

Eyer, L.
et al. Eyer, L., Audard, M., Holl, B., Rimoldini, L., Carnerero, M. I., Clementini, G., De Ridder, J., Distefano, E., Evans, D. W., Gavras, P., Gomel, R., Lebzelter, T., Marton, G., Mowlavi, N., Panahi, A., Ripepi, V., Wyrzykowski, Ł., Nienartowicz, K., Jevardat de Fombelle, G., Lecoeur-Taibi, I., Rohrbasser, L., Riello, M., García-Lario, P., Lanzafame, A. C., Mazeh, T., Raiteri, C. M., Zucker, S., Ábrahám, P., Aerts, C., Aguado, J. J., Anderson, R. I., Bashi, D., Binnenfeld, A., Faigler, S., Garofalo, A., Karbevska, L., Kóspál, Á., Kruszyńska, K., Kun, M., Lanza, A. F., Leccia, S., Marconi, M., Messina, S., Molinaro, R., Molnár, L., Muraveva, T., Musella, I., Nagy, Z., Pagano, I., Palaversa, L., Plachy, E., Prša, A., Rybicki, K. A., Shahaf, S., Szabados, L., Szegedi-Elek, E., Trabucchi, M., Barblan, F., Grenon, M., Roelens, M., Süveges, M.,

Published Jun 2023
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 2023 674
ArXiv: 2206.06143

De Angeli, F.
et al. De Angeli, F., Weiler, M., Montegriffo, P., Evans, D. W., Riello, M., Andrae, R., Carrasco, J. M., Busso, G., Burgess, P. W., Cacciari, C., Davidson, M., Harrison, D. L., Hodgkin, S. T., Jordi, C., Osborne, P. J., Pancino, E., Altavilla, G., Barstow, M. A., Bailer-Jones, C. A. L., Bellazzini, M., Brown, A. G. A., Castellani, M., Cowell, S., Delchambre, L., De Luise, F., Diener, C., Fabricius, C., Fouesneau, M., Frémat, Y., Gilmore, G., Giuffrida, G., Hambly, N. C., Hidalgo, S., Holland, G., Kostrzewa-Rutkowska, Z., van Leeuwen, F., Lobel, A., Marinoni, S., Miller, N., Pagani, C., Palaversa, L., Piersimoni, A. M., Pulone, L., Ragaini, S., Rainer, M., Richards, P. J., Rixon, G. T., Ruz-Mieres, D., Sanna, N., Sarro, L. M., Rowell, N., Sordo, R., Walton, N. A., Yoldas, A.,

Published Jun 2023
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 2023 674
ArXiv: 2206.06138

Andrae, R.
et al. Andrae, R., Fouesneau, M., Sordo, R., Bailer-Jones, C. A. L., Dharmawardena, T. E., Rybizki, J., De Angeli, F., Lindstrøm, H. E. P., Marshall, D. J., Drimmel, R., Korn, A. J., Soubiran, C., Brouillet, N., Casamiquela, L., Rix, H. -W., Abreu Aramburu, A., Álvarez, M. A., Bakker, J., Bellas-Velidis, I., Bijaoui, A., Brugaletta, E., Burlacu, A., Carballo, R., Chaoul, L., Chiavassa, A., Contursi, G., Cooper, W. J., Creevey, O. L., Dafonte, C., Dapergolas, A., de Laverny, P., Delchambre, L., Demouchy, C., Edvardsson, B., Frémat, Y., Garabato, D., García-Lario, P., García-Torres, M., Gavel, A., Gomez, A., González-Santamaría, I., Hatzidimitriou, D., Heiter, U., Jean-Antoine Piccolo, A., Kontizas, M., Kordopatis, G., Lanzafame, A. C., Lebreton, Y., Licata, E. L., Livanou, E., Lobel, A., Lorca, A., Magdaleno Romeo, A., Manteiga, M., Marocco, F., Mary, N., Nicolas, C., Ordenovic, C., Pailler, F., Palicio, P. A., Pallas-Quintela, L., Panem, C., Pichon, B., Poggio, E., Recio-Blanco, A., Riclet, F., Robin, C., Santoveña, R., Sarro, L. M., Schultheis, M. S., Segol, M., Silvelo, A., Slezak, I., Smart, R. L., Süveges, M., Thévenin, F., Torralba Elipe, G., Ulla, A., Utrilla, E., Vallenari, A., van Dillen, E., Zhao, H., Zorec, J.,

Published Jun 2023
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 2023 674
ArXiv: 2206.05864

Creevey, O. L.
et al. Creevey, O. L., Sordo, R., Pailler, F., Frémat, Y., Heiter, U., Thévenin, F., Andrae, R., Fouesneau, M., Lobel, A., Bailer-Jones, C. A. L., Garabato, D., Bellas-Velidis, I., Brugaletta, E., Lorca, A., Ordenovic, C., Palicio, P. A., Sarro, L. M., Delchambre, L., Drimmel, R., Rybizki, J., Torralba Elipe, G., Korn, A. J., Recio-Blanco, A., Schultheis, M. S., De Angeli, F., Montegriffo, P., Abreu Aramburu, A., Accart, S., Álvarez, M. A., Bakker, J., Brouillet, N., Burlacu, A., Carballo, R., Casamiquela, L., Chiavassa, A., Contursi, G., Cooper, W. J., Dafonte, C., Dapergolas, A., de Laverny, P., Dharmawardena, T. E., Edvardsson, B., Le Fustec, Y., García-Lario, P., García-Torres, M., Gomez, A., González-Santamaría, I., Hatzidimitriou, D., Jean-Antoine Piccolo, A., Kontiza, M., Kordopatis, G., Lanzafame, A. C., Lebreton, Y., Licata, E. L., Lindstrøm, H. E. P., Livanou, E., Magdaleno Romeo, A., Manteiga, M., Marocco, F., Marshall, D. J., Mary, N., Nicolas, C., Pallas-Quintela, L., Panem, C., Pichon, B., Poggio, E., Riclet, F., Robin, C., Santoveña, R., Silvelo, A., Slezak, I., Smart, R. L., Soubiran, C., Süveges, M., Ulla, A., Utrilla, E., Vallenari, A., Zhao, H., Zorec, J., Barrado, D., Bijaoui, A., Bouret, J. -C., Blomme, R., Brott, I., Cassisi, S., Kochukhov, O., Martayan, C., Shulyak, D., Silvester, J.,

Published Jun 2023
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 2023 674
ArXiv: 2206.05745

Lebzelter, T.
et al. Lebzelter, T., Mowlavi, N., Lecoeur-Taibi, I., Trabucchi, M., Audard, M., García-Lario, P., Gavras, P., Holl, B., Jevardat de Fombelle, G., Nienartowicz, K., Rimoldini, L., Eyer, L.,

Published Jun 2023
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 2023 674
ArXiv: 2206.05561

Tanga, P.
et al. Tanga, P., Pauwels, T., Mignard, F., Muinonen, K., Cellino, A., David, P., Hestroffer, D., Spoto, F., Berthier, J., Guiraud, J., Roux, W., Carry, B., Delbo, M., Dell'Oro, A., Fouron, C., Galluccio, L., Jonckheere, A., Klioner, S. A., Lefustec, Y., Liberato, L., Ordénovic, C., Oreshina-Slezak, I., Penttilä, A., Pailler, F., Panem, Ch., Petit, J. -M., Portell, J., Poujoulet, E., Thuillot, W., Van Hemelryck, E., Burlacu, A., Lasne, Y., Managau, S.,

Published Jun 2023
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 2023 674
ArXiv: 2206.05541

Recio-Blanco, A.
et al. Recio-Blanco, A., de Laverny, P., Palicio, P. A., Kordopatis, G., Álvarez, M. A., Schultheis, M., Contursi, G., Zhao, H., Torralba Elipe, G., Ordenovic, C., Manteiga, M., Dafonte, C., Oreshina-Slezak, I., Bijaoui, A., Frémat, Y., Seabroke, G., Pailler, F., Spitoni, E., Poggio, E., Creevey, O. L., Abreu Aramburu, A., Accart, S., Andrae, R., Bailer-Jones, C. A. L., Bellas-Velidis, I., Brouillet, N., Brugaletta, E., Burlacu, A., Carballo, R., Casamiquela, L., Chiavassa, A., Cooper, W. J., Dapergolas, A., Delchambre, L., Dharmawardena, T. E., Drimmel, R., Edvardsson, B., Fouesneau, M., Garabato, D., García-Lario, P., García-Torres, M., Gavel, A., Gomez, A., González-Santamaría, I., Hatzidimitriou, D., Heiter, U., Jean-Antoine Piccolo, A., Kontizas, M., Korn, A. J., Lanzafame, A. C., Lebreton, Y., Le Fustec, Y., Licata, E. L., Lindstrøm, H. E. P., Livanou, E., Lobel, A., Lorca, A., Magdaleno Romeo, A., Marocco, F., Marshall, D. J., Mary, N., Nicolas, C., Pallas-Quintela, L., Panem, C., Pichon, B., Riclet, F., Robin, C., Rybizki, J., Santoveña, R., Silvelo, A., Smart, R. L., Sarro, L. M., Sordo, R., Soubiran, C., Süveges, M., Ulla, A., Vallenari, A., Zorec, J., Utrilla, E., Bakker, J.,

Published Jun 2023
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 2023 674
ArXiv: 2206.05439

Holl, B.
et al. Holl, B., Sozzetti, A., Sahlmann, J., Giacobbe, P., Ségransan, D., Unger, N., Delisle, J. -B., Barbato, D., Lattanzi, M. G., Morbidelli, R., Sosnowska, D.,

Published Jun 2023
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2023 523 3
ArXiv: 2306.00447

Leung, James K.
et al. Leung, James K., Murphy, Tara, Lenc, Emil, Edwards, Philip G., Ghirlanda, Giancarlo, Kaplan, David L., O'Brien, Andrew, Wang, Ziteng,

Published Jun 2023
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2023 523 3
ArXiv: 2306.00447

Leung, James K.
et al. Leung, James K., Murphy, Tara, Lenc, Emil, Edwards, Philip G., Ghirlanda, Giancarlo, Kaplan, David L., O'Brien, Andrew, Wang, Ziteng,

Published Jun 2023
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2023 521 4

Tang, Shenli
et al. Tang, Shenli, Silverman, John D., Yesuf, Hassen M., Ding, Xuheng, Li, Junyao, Bottrell, Connor, Goulding, Andy, Omori, Kiyoaki Christopher, Toba, Yoshiki, Kawaguchi, Toshihiro,

Published Jun 2023
The Astrophysical Journal, 2023 949 2
ArXiv: 2305.17135

Smercina, Adam
et al. Smercina, Adam, Bell, Eric F., Price, Paul A., Bailin, Jeremy, Dalcanton, Julianne J., de Jong, Roelof S., D'Souza, Richard, Gozman, Katya, Jang, In Sung, Monachesi, Antonela, Nidever, David, Slater, Colin T.,

Published Jun 2023
The Astrophysical Journal, 2023 949 2
ArXiv: 2305.11225

Matsuoka, Yoshiki
et al. Matsuoka, Yoshiki, Onoue, Masafusa, Iwasawa, Kazushi, Strauss, Michael A., Kashikawa, Nobunari, Izumi, Takuma, Nagao, Tohru, Imanishi, Masatoshi, Akiyama, Masayuki, Silverman, John D., Asami, Naoko, Bosch, James, Furusawa, Hisanori, Goto, Tomotsugu, Gunn, James E., Harikane, Yuichi, Ikeda, Hiroyuki, Inayoshi, Kohei, Ishimoto, Rikako, Kawaguchi, Toshihiro, Kikuta, Satoshi, Kohno, Kotaro, Komiyama, Yutaka, Lee, Chien-Hsiu, Lupton, Robert H., Minezaki, Takeo, Miyazaki, Satoshi, Murayama, Hitoshi, Nishizawa, Atsushi J., Oguri, Masamune, Ono, Yoshiaki, Oogi, Taira, Ouchi, Masami, Price, Paul A., Sameshima, Hiroaki, Sugiyama, Naoshi, Tait, Philip J., Takada, Masahiro, Takahashi, Ayumi, Takata, Tadafumi, Tanaka, Masayuki, Toba, Yoshiki, Wang, Shiang-Yu, Yamashita, Takuji,

Published Jun 2023
The Astronomical Journal, 2023 165 6
ArXiv: 2305.03311

Zhang, Lan
et al. Zhang, Lan, Xue, Xiang-Xiang, Yang, Chengqun, Wang, Feilu, Rix, Hans-Walter, Zhao, Gang, Liu, Chao,

Published Jun 2023
The Astronomical Journal, 2023 165 6
ArXiv: 2304.05630

Brooks, Hunter
et al. Brooks, Hunter, Kirkpatrick, J. Davy, Meisner, Aaron M., Gelino, Christopher R., Bardalez Gagliuffi, Daniella C., Marocco, Federico, Schneider, Adam C., Faherty, Jacqueline K., Casewell, S. L., Raghu, Yadukrishna, Kuchner, Marc J., Backyard Worlds: Planet 9 Collaboration,

Published Jun 2023
Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 2023 135 1048
ArXiv: 2303.02154

Coulter, D. A.
et al. Coulter, D. A., Jones, D. O., McGill, P., Foley, R. J., Aleo, P. D., Bustamante-Rosell, M. J., Chatterjee, D., Davis, K. W., Dickinson, C., Engel, A., Gagliano, A., Jacobson-Galán, W. V., Kilpatrick, C. D., Kutcka, J., Le Saux, X. K., Malanchev, K., Pan, Y. -C., Quiñonez, P. J., Rojas-Bravo, C., Siebert, M. R., Taggart, K., Tinyanont, S., Wang, Q.,

Published Jun 2023
Journal of Astrophysics and Astronomy, 2023 44 1
ArXiv: 2302.06115

Panwar, Neelam
et al. Panwar, Neelam, Jose, Jessy, Rishi, C.,

Published Jun 2023
The Astrophysical Journal, 2023 949 2
ArXiv: 2212.04514

Mudur, Nayantara
et al. Mudur, Nayantara, Park, Core Francisco, Finkbeiner, Douglas P.,

Published Jun 2023
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2023 522 2
ArXiv: 2207.12429

Chiu, I. -Non
et al. Chiu, I. -Non, Klein, Matthias, Mohr, Joseph, Bocquet, Sebastian,

Published Jun 2023
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2023 521 4
ArXiv: 2207.05086

Jayasinghe, T.
et al. Jayasinghe, T., Rowan, D. M., Thompson, Todd A., Kochanek, C. S., Stanek, K. Z.,

Published Jun 2023
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 2023 674
ArXiv: 2206.10986

Frémat, Y.
et al. Frémat, Y., Royer, F., Marchal, O., Blomme, R., Sartoretti, P., Guerrier, A., Panuzzo, P., Katz, D., Seabroke, G. M., Thévenin, F., Cropper, M., Benson, K., Damerdji, Y., Haigron, R., Lobel, A., Smith, M., Baker, S. G., Chemin, L., David, M., Dolding, C., Gosset, E., Janßen, K., Jasniewicz, G., Plum, G., Samaras, N., Snaith, O., Soubiran, C., Vanel, O., Zorec, J., Zwitter, T., Brouillet, N., Caffau, E., Crifo, F., Fabre, C., Fragkoudi, F., Huckle, H. E., Lasne, Y., Leclerc, N., Mastrobuono-Battisti, A., Jean-Antoine Piccolo, A., Viala, Y.,

Published Jun 2023
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 2023 674
ArXiv: 2206.05902

Katz, D.
et al. Katz, D., Sartoretti, P., Guerrier, A., Panuzzo, P., Seabroke, G. M., Thévenin, F., Cropper, M., Benson, K., Blomme, R., Haigron, R., Marchal, O., Smith, M., Baker, S., Chemin, L., Damerdji, Y., David, M., Dolding, C., Frémat, Y., Gosset, E., Janßen, K., Jasniewicz, G., Lobel, A., Plum, G., Samaras, N., Snaith, O., Soubiran, C., Vanel, O., Zwitter, T., Antoja, T., Arenou, F., Babusiaux, C., Brouillet, N., Caffau, E., Di Matteo, P., Fabre, C., Fabricius, C., Fragkoudi, F., Haywood, M., Huckle, H. E., Hottier, C., Lasne, Y., Leclerc, N., Mastrobuono-Battisti, A., Royer, F., Teyssier, D., Zorec, J., Crifo, F., Jean-Antoine Piccolo, A., Turon, C., Viala, Y.,

Published Jun 2023
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 2023 674
ArXiv: 2206.05725

Sartoretti, P.
et al. Sartoretti, P., Marchal, O., Babusiaux, C., Jordi, C., Guerrier, A., Panuzzo, P., Katz, D., Seabroke, G. M., Thévenin, F., Cropper, M., Benson, K., Blomme, R., Haigron, R., Smith, M., Baker, S., Chemin, L., David, M., Dolding, C., Frémat, Y., Janßen, K., Jasniewicz, G., Lobel, A., Plum, G., Samaras, N., Snaith, O., Soubiran, C., Vanel, O., Zwitter, T., Brouillet, N., Caffau, E., Crifo, F., Fabre, C., Fragkoudi, F., Jean-Antoine Piccolo, A., Huckle, H. E., Lasne, Y., Leclerc, N., Mastrobuono-Battisti, A., Royer, F., Viala, Y., Zorec, J.,

Published Jun 2023
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 2023 674
ArXiv: 2206.05486

Blomme, R.
et al. Blomme, R., Frémat, Y., Sartoretti, P., Guerrier, A., Panuzzo, P., Katz, D., Seabroke, G. M., Thévenin, F., Cropper, M., Benson, K., Damerdji, Y., Haigron, R., Marchal, O., Smith, M., Baker, S., Chemin, L., David, M., Dolding, C., Gosset, E., Janßen, K., Jasniewicz, G., Lobel, A., Plum, G., Samaras, N., Snaith, O., Soubiran, C., Vanel, O., Zwitter, T., Brouillet, N., Caffau, E., Crifo, F., Fabre, C., Fragkoudi, F., Huckle, H. E., Jean-Antoine Piccolo, A., Lasne, Y., Leclerc, N., Mastrobuono-Battisti, A., Royer, F., Viala, Y., Zorec, J.,

Published May 2023
Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences, 2023 10
ArXiv: 2302.06565

Hu, Y. -D.
et al. Hu, Y. -D., Fernández-García, E., Caballero-García, M. D., Pérez-García, I., Carrasco-García, I. M., Castellón, A., Pérez del Pulgar, C., Reina Terol, A. J., Castro-Tirado, A. J.,

Published May 2023
Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 2023 135 1047

Li, Ke-Xin
et al. Li, Ke-Xin, Li, Kai, Liu, Fei, Gao, Xing, Sun, Guo-You, Wang, Xi, Yin, Shi-Peng,

Published May 2023
Galaxies, 2023 11 3
ArXiv: 2305.03080

Liimets, Tiina
et al. Liimets, Tiina, Kraus, Michaela, Cidale, Lydia, Karpov, Sergey, Marston, Anthony,

Published May 2023
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2023 521 2
ArXiv: 2303.05844

Published May 2023
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2023 521 2
ArXiv: 2303.05290

Dai, Xiaohang
et al. Dai, Xiaohang, Kong, Lingda, Bu, Qingcui, Santangelo, Andrea, Zhang, Shu, Ji, Long, Zhang, Shuangnan, Yorgancioglu, Emre Seyit,