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New Director of IfA, New Fan of Faulkes.

Jun 4, 2011

   When Dr. Günther Hasinger, the new director of the University of Hawai`i Institute for Astronomy (IfA), recently visited Maui I was more than happy to give him some time on the Faulkes Telescope North.  I did this to help him a better understanding of what the facility can and does mean to education and outreach in Hawai`i.  Dr. Hasinger had prepared to image Hartley 2G.  We mistook a faint galaxy for the target and nearly slewed away from the target.

   I love seeing the excitement in a kid when he or she gets to use the Faulkes Telescope North for the first time.  Dr. Hasinger had the same look as an excited kid.  After stacking the images, the target was clearly visible. Hasinger commented in an email, "The Faulkes telescope is a great asset, very easy to use and reliable."